Our Par East refinery, located on the Hawaiian Island of Oahu, has a capacity of 94,000 bpd. The refinery, together with the logistics and retail arms of our Hawaii operations, provides fuels to a network of Hele and 76-branded retail locations throughout Hawaii, and distributes fuels via pipelines on Oahu and on barges to all major harbors in the state. Par Hawaii plays a critical role in meeting the state’s demand for jet and utility fuels while building on its legacy of investing in the local community.
For more information, visit
Quick Facts
94 Mbpd
Operating Refining Capacity
27 miles
Miles of Pipeline
5.4 MMbbls
Storage Capacity
Investing in Our Community
We have approximately 700 exceptionally skilled employees who are dedicated to safety and customer service. Our employees are proud of their long-standing tradition of contributing their time and energy to help those in need. The following are some of our valued community partnerships:
- Mission Partner of Special Olympics Hawaii and year-round supporter for more than 25 years
- Mission Partner of Hospice Hawaii and presenting sponsor of Hot Pursuit, the nonprofit’s family-oriented fundraiser for nearly a decade
- Corporate supporter of the Hawaii Nature Center for more than 25 years
- Corporate sponsor of the annual Hawaiian Canoe Racing Association State Championship Canoe Regatta
- Proud sponsor of the state Department of Education – Driver Education Program’s Operation Driver Excellence teen driving challenge for 30 years
Health, Safety and Environment
We promote a culture of continual safety improvement with a keen eye for evaluating and managing risk to ensure our implementation of programs, policy and procedures all contribute to the secure and successful delivery of energy to our customers.
We Commit to:
- Put the safety of our colleagues and our community first
- Comply with all applicable rules and regulations
- Recognize and plan to mitigate potential risk
- Recognize and prioritize protection of sensitive environments
- Minimize environmental impact
- Undertake thoughtful and careful remediation of any environmental impact
- Strive for continuous improvement
Our Safety Programs
Active collaboration between represented workers, management and contractors through:
- Joint Health and Safety Committee
- Process Safety Management Committee
- Hazard Recognition Plus Steering Committee
- Contractor Safety Council
We are a charter member of the Kapolei Local Emergency Action Network (KLEAN), a coalition formed in 1996 to improve emergency preparedness and response for businesses in the Kapolei and Campbell Industrial Park area.
Contact Us
Par Hawaii
91-325 Komohana Street Kapolei, Hawaii 96707 | 808-547-3111 | ParHawaiiHelp@parpacific.com